20180502-最新Apple开发者公司账号的申请过程(四)-邓白氏回复你包含你公司最新邓白氏码的邮件拿到DUNS码之后, 请等待几天再申请苹果开发者,苹果同步你的企业邓白氏信息需要一段时间Your D-U-N-S Number request/update submitted on 4/24/2018 with ID Number ******[...]
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阿里巴巴跨境电子商务--让老外"秒"回复的询盘模板未付款订单Dear ,We have got your order of XXXXXX。 But it seems that the order is still unpaid. If theres anything I can help with the price, size, etc., pl[...]
Important information regarding your AlphaRacks VPS没有发现有补救措施, 还在等待进一步的消息!现在唯一的解决办法就是 发TK 让他们给你重新开而且服务器数据全部丢失 Hi,unfortunately we lost all the data! Please use the new VPS as[...]