20180502-最新Apple开发者公司账号的申请过程(四)-邓白氏回复你包含你公司最新邓白氏码的邮件拿到DUNS码之后, 请等待几天再申请苹果开发者,苹果同步你的企业邓白氏信息需要一段时间Your D-U-N-S Number request/update submitted on 4/24/2018 with ID Number ******[...]
submit your information to D&B for a free D-U-N-S Number首先,你需要一个AppleID 如果没有请注册Apple账号-最好是用企业的邮箱账号-或者是主流的邮箱-如Gmail PS:图片比较多打开苹果开发者中心->https://developer.apple.com/ -点击右上角的“[...]
Unable to verify mobile phone number.Your Apple ID needs to be updated.
Before you can continue, you’ll need to update your Apple ID to include your mobile phone number based [...]
Grow your business in 155 countries and more than 40 languages, and help users around the world easily discover and download your app.Programming ResourcesWith Apple technolog[...]
Why waste time hunting for eggs this Easter, celebrate Easter with MIND BLOWING prices on hosting!As Easter is an important holiday to us, we have decided to break the mould, [...]
今天更新了Xcode 9.3 macOS 10.13.4Xcode ideworkspacechecks.plist文件Project 'iOS-SS' Enable recommended warnings
This will enael the following recommended warnings
implicit retain of[...]
react-native f8app 让我很尴尬No bundle URL present.Make sure you're running a packager server or have included a .jsbundle file in your application bundle.RCTFatal-[RCTBatchedBridg[...]