Apple关于MacOS App Store的最新新闻计划。We're working with developers to create a safer Mac user experience through a process where all software, whether distributed on the App Store or[...]
最新消息:主机商NFPHosting被AlphaRacks收购了NFPHosting&AlphaRacks官网公告信息链接AlphaRacks 官网NFPHosting发来的电子邮件Dear NFPHosting Customer,
We are excited to announce that NFPHosting has been acqui[...]
AppStoer打包上传时提示:ERROR ITMS-90062ERROR ITMS-90062: "This bundle is invalid. The value for key CFBundleShortVersionString [1.5.1] in the Info.plist file must contain a high[...]
App打包上架过程中出现App Store Connect Operation Warning,问题的解决方法App Store Connect Operation WarningApp Store Connect Operation Warning
WARNING ITMS-9O7 25: "SDK Version lssue. Thi[...]
iOS开发#使用Pods中使用Swift和Objective-C混编-编译不通过的原因-ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64问题基本描述 在Pods管理的Objective-C中导入Swift过程中出现问题项目中需要展示报表,而使用的第三方(Charts)是Swift编写的,而我的项目中使用的[...]